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Cancellation Policies

Refund Policy per Office

Each practice has its own refund policy in case of cancellation. It is the member's responsibility to review and understand this policy before making a reservation. If in doubt, the member can contact the Fusion Clinic office or Customer Service for more information.

General Refund Policy

In addition to the per-office refund policy, Fusion Clinic also has a general refund policy. If you cancel within the time frame set out in the practice's cancellation policy, a refund will be processed in accordance with Fusion Clinic's terms and conditions. The member must contact Fusion Clinic's SAC to request a refund.

It is important for the member to be aware that Fusion Clinic is not responsible for refunds or cancellations outside the policies established by the practice. Member should always check cancellation and refund policies before making a reservation. Fusion Clinic only acts as an intermediary between the member and the practice.


*For more information on cancellation policies, contact Fusion Clinic.

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